Femme Rebellion Fest 4- Kiel Femme Rebellion Fest 4- Kiel

Wednesday, 20.11.2019 ab 20:00 bis
Thursday, 21.11.2019 um 01:00

Alte Meierei
Hornheimer Weg 2
24113 Kiel

Femme Rebellion Fest 4- Kiel

here we go again! we will start loading more Infos as soon as we have them.
By now, two bands are in, two more to come:

Disaster Jacks, from Barcelona

and Long Sought Rest, from Olympia


Femme Rebellion is a D.I.Y. Festival that wants to establish a non hierarchical space for musicians and music lovers of all gender.

At the beginning of the 90s many bands within the Riot Grrrl movement started a rebellion in order to fight for equal rights for women on the stage. After so many years we still have a long way to go. Especially in punk scene, where people discuss sexism since long time, actually it is still no matter of course to truly live equality. Therefore, we want to join everyone who shares our issue and fight for a music world, in which – one day – there will be no more hierarchies and no more sexism.

Inspired by the Neska Rock, a small festival in the Basque Country, and the Femme Rebellion tour of the two Spanish bands Milenrama and Penadas por la Ley, we want to bring this spirit to Germany and be part of this new attempt.

We want to abolish hierarchies and separation and empower people of all gender to enter to the stage and live their dream of a better world – with positive energy and a lot of electrifying music.
No matter what they keep telling you: the stage is for everyone!

Four Bands, four locations, a lot of good music, 100% D.I.Y., free from sexism, racism and money-madness.

Feel free to join us, help us to make this real and spread the word!

Contact: [email protected]